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Cost of the War in Iraq
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08 December 2004
you know what honey, if it means that much to you, you can have that bag of unbleached flour. knock yourself out.
we've been a bit ... exasperated ... lately. but aunt julie quoted us some insight into our lunatic's child's psyche:

Rules of the Universe to a 2-Year Old

1. If I'm holding it, it's mine.
2. If it's anywhere in my general vicinity, it's mine.
3. If I'm looking at it, it's mine.
4. You know what, if I'm even THINKING about it, it's MINE!

and damn if those words didn't help me see things in a little bit more humorous light. so that when we're shopping at the evil corporate discount store last night and i hand magnolia some 1/2" white elastic to put in the basket and she shouts MINE! the instant it touches her fingers ... i actually just laughed at her. i really wanted to start handing her things like preparation H, condoms, depiliatory creme and the like ... just to watch her stare it down and declare it all MINE!


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