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21 October 2003
and there was much rejoicing
what a weekend. spent at the jerm's 'rents' house. this is a lovely place and seems to be completely removed from all things icky and bad and city-fied. it's a nice big (okay, huge- in this sheltered home-girl's opinion) place on a beautiful acreage a ways south of here. if you get up early enough (and i assure you, i grudgingly do) you can drink your coffee on the back porch and watch the deer drinking at the glassy, mist-covered pond. it's all Little House on the Prairie and shit! whew, i was getting a little too serious for a moment there.

anyhoo, alongside all the idyllic nature crap, they have some kind of uber satellite with about 500 channels of late-80's and pay-per-view movie goodness. you cannot imagine how much this pleases me. i find it difficult to sleep there bc it's such a waste of eye and mind vaccuum hours.

actually, that's a lie. i find it terribly easy to sleep there, due in large part to the king-sized-bed goodness that awaits me, the jerm and the wee one. that little gender shift from queen to king may seem a small thing, but it is enormous when viewed in light of sharing a bed with a squirmy little mass of elbows and knees named magnolia.

magnolia finds it difficult to sleep there, too, despite the roomy bed. she absolutely loves her grandparents and goes half crazy with joy when she sees them. she also freaks out over all the new toys to play with and hallways to explore. she climbed up on the couch (first time for that), got the crap shocked out of her by messing with an electrical outlet (just pee came out, actually), and tried to eat a big juicy bug (her mean old mommy fished it back out of her mouth, still twitching) in the space of about ten minutes.

jerm's parents always insist on preparing various types of delicious ready-to-eat meals that we just have to pop in the micro and consume. this once again maximizes satellite-viewing time by decreasing cooking time.

and to top off all the domestic joy, my sisters spent the weekend with us there. much fun was had by all. we completely wiped out all three bottles of tequila to be found in the pantry and, consequently, the great majority of the coffee, too. i could never get too many weekends like that one. i had to take the day off work yesterday just to recuperate.


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