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31 October 2003
one of those halloweens ...
you know how sometimes you go to mcdonald's and you order a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit, and it's all warm and yummy, the biscuit is flaky, the cheese is melty and the sausage is ... sausage-y? yeah, that's good stuff. and then you know how sometimes you go to mcdonald's and you order a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit and it's room temperature, the biscuit is hard as a rock, the cheese is crusty and the sausage is sweating in a tepid pool of griddle grease? and then you eat the whole thing anyway?

to borrow a concept introduced to me by the younger s. ramsey, it's the breakfast of self-loathing champions.

after eating the mcnastiness, i realize i've left my 3$ coffee fitted snugly into the warm inviting cup holder in the car. in the parking lot. 1/4 mile away. so i mounted a rescue mission. bc let me tell you, people, without coffee on a normal day i am a zombie, but without coffee today? well, they might actually mistake me for actually dead and have me all embalmed and shit before they realized their mistake.

the mag monster didn't sleep a wink last night. she tossed and turned and moaned and groaned and cried and sniffled. she has a cold, and either that, or the medicine we gave her to help that, kept her up all night. i'd like to thank TV for showing scary movies all night long. it made me feel like i was doing something productive all those long hours.

oh, and in other news, here's a graphical representation of this entry.


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