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05 November 2003
i hear the secrets that you keep when you're talking in your sleep
dear diaryland,

i have a problem.

i love you dearly, i really do. but the problem is ... a lot of people know about you now. i mean A LOT. people i went to high school with. peole i'm related to. people i work with.

you see the problem?

i'm afraid to be honest with you.

you keep blabbing my secrets to all the wrong people. for god's sake my MOM could find this place if the mood struck her.

and that ... well that scares the bejezzuz outta me.

so if i'm less than forthcoming, please do forgive me. maybe i'll start a secret journal somewhere else where i can bitch freely and openly without fear of reprisal. or at least without fear of reprisal by people i have to face every day.

and honestly, i don't say this shit to hurt anybody's feelings. i wouldn't do that intentionally. really, it's just a diary. everyone knows diaries are just full of crap.

so, on that note, i present you with the following opportunity for greatness:

Vote Jeremy's Band as Best Oklahoma Ska Act

Hey all! I know most of you haven't even heard my band, but you know we're good! Come on! Go here and download some stuff...

There are four songs available to download.

You have to go to this site to vote for us, unfortunately you must register on the message board to cast your vote, but it's just an Oklahoma message board so nothing too bad could happen to ya.

Thanks a lot everyone!

P.S. Check back at our site as we have a big two-week tour with the Toasters coming up soon!




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