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14 November 2003
sniff me
okay, my diary is prolly gonna get all hosed up for a day or two, bc, as usual, i put off paying for my gold account so it might not get processed in time to keep from getting all icky. sorry.

anyway, the real reason i'm updating is to make a confession. i am in love with myself today! i used this new lotion, White Tea and Ginger, and i can't stop smelling myself! i'm huffing my own essence. uncontrollably. i'm telling you, people, if you run into me today, sniff me, cause, damn!

and in other news, walmart sucks ass. every time i shop there i get more depressed about the state of humanity.

and in other other news, have i mentioned that my hub's band is going on tour with the toasters? THE TOASTERS, people. now, if you don't know squat about ska, you don't give two shits about the toasters. but if you care about ska, you know what the hell that means. it is big. BIG. BIG. and i am freaking excited as hell for him. he about pees himself every time he thinks about it probably. even tho it will mean i will be a single parent for a couple of weeks. if magnolia and i both survive it, i'm sure we'll be the stronger for it. *ahem*


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