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20 April 2004
Alex worship
first off, please note that as a general rule, i'm not attracted to blondes. but that ADA on SVU? (i work for the postal service; we love acronyms) is fucking gorgeous. that is just all there is to it. stunning. even her name (her fake name) is gorgeous. Alexandra. i just might have a bit of a crush on her. anyway, i mentioned this to someone who shall remain nameless (not jerm) and he says something about her eyes being small. small. as though there is a standard eye hole size that equals beauty. puhleez. my point is that these variances that some idiots call "flaws" are what makes us beautiful and unique. her eyes fit in with her face and it all goes together and makes her lovely. so there. and especially when she cut her hair to have bangs. okay, i'm done. goodnight.

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