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22 May 2004
well, i'm off again tomorrow. heading back up to DC to teach for the week. should be a good time, although i wasn't exactly planning to travel again quite this soon. ah well. it's good for me. builds character. or something. anyway, my main problem with traveling is i'm such a girl that i have to take all kinds of shoes for six days. in my opinion, that's why rolling luggage was invented. i will have computer access in the evenings next week, so maybe i can catch up on my diary reading. i feel so out of touch with ya'll.

in other news, i'm in the market for a new layout. so if anyone sees something that seems to suit the me that is online, feel free to make suggestions. also, a couple of people that i always used to read have made their diaries private. don't be like that, kevin nealon! ike's sorry!

mama had her baby this morning! a beautiful healthy boy. mama was sleeping when i arrived today, but i got to see the little one. he's just beautiful. they did good. again.

and everybody just quit asking me when i'm going to have another kid. cause the answer is never. how many times do i have to say it? magnolia is the one and the only. that's all folks. for a million reasons. and don't start giving me that only-child-complex bullshit, cause i don't buy it. i've met plenty of spoiled bratty kids who have siblings. magnolia will just be one of those spoiled bratty kids without them. well, hopefully not. but anyway. we're all done. so there. magnolia is a year-and-a-half and some things are easier, some things are harder. she is physically in more danger from herself these days. she's at least 2/3's monkey. howler monkey. (jeremy's contribution to her chromosomes.) but she's absolutely beautiful and deviously intelligent. but she has no fashion sense. it's hotter than hell outside, we're playing in the wading pool ... and she brings me her winter coat to put on her. along with one sandal and one leather mary jane. i see finishing school in her future. in fact, i'll put a picture of her latest self-inflicted hairdo. poor thing.


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