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Cost of the War in Iraq
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16 June 2004
this is a test ...
to see if you are alive, mattbot. i had wings (that's right, she eats meat now) with your illustrious film professor last night and she asked after you. and i had to say, 'how should i know.' which is my stock response when asked how you are doing. so, here's the deal, let your oklahoma fanclub know what you're up to. as you know, i can't access your web site from work bc apparently it's full of 'the naughtiness' and the fed doesn't approve of that. so send us an email. a real live, personalized, sent-just-us with our names at the top and everything email message and let us live vicariously. or, if you must, a synopsis from your lj or something. cause, you know, we kinda like you, and we want your existence to continue. and if it has somehow ceased, we'd like to be notified. over and out.

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end game - 20 October 2005
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