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19 July 2004
there are so many places i would rather be right now
miss kitty is still alive and kicking. she has this weird half-cough, half-yak thing she does every once in awhile, but nothing comes out of her mouth hole ... so i'm optimistic.

i have a bunch of other stuff i've been wanting to say ... but i can't seem to remember it at this point. must need more coffee. oh yeah, magnolia had her first taste of starbucks yesterday. her eyes lit up with the recognition of the holy trinity of espresso, steamed milk and torrani syrup.

she's also experienced her first heart break, i think. if you've been keeping up with this drivel, you know that we have had elmo issues since he first came into our lives. well, hokey pokey elmo came out of the closet again finally a week ago after his second sabbatical in there. i thought mag was ready to have him back in her life. i may have been wrong. two nights ago she sat straight up in bed, still fast asleep, and called out to him, "elmo? elllllllmo?"


that red bastard is going to break her heart in the end, i feel sure of it.


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