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09 September 2004
pulminologist, cardiologist, pharmacist, etc, etc
i have a knot the size of texas behind my right shoulder. it's partly due to stuff, and partly due to things.

so there. all i really wanted to say today is that you should be nice to your mom. and your dad. and old people in general. cause from what i've been experiencing in visiting doctors lately with mom is that getting old, frail, and sick, is a pretty scary situation. i mean, you know how you feel right now? how you think, "that will never happen to me!" well, those old people thought that, too, once upon a time. and now look at them! they're old! they can't get around like they once did. they're all crotchety and rickety. they have to use oxygen to walk across the street and take cholesterol and blood pressure meds and their hands ache and their feet hurt and they can't hear so good outta that ear and it SUCKS. and they hate having to depend on others to drive them to the doctor or get their pills from the pharmacy. and they are scared. bc all this getting-old business can only lead to one end. and they certainly don't want to think about that eventuality. so just ... you know ... be nice. even when they are cranky about waiting in line behind you at the grocery store. no, it's not right for them to be cranky, but you're young, and it doesn't hurt your back to stand around for so long. so maybe just, you know, let them cut in front of you or something. and hope that some young whippersnapper is that nice to you when you're waning.


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