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22 September 2004
it will be a miracle if we all survive her childhood
jesus JONES. my dear sweet wonderful beautiful intelligent willful love-of-my-life child is trying to drive me insane. i am a good parent. i really am. i set reasonable rules, not too strict, not too lax. i discipline gently if i have to discipline at all. but lately ... DAMN. she is just in this complete WHINING phase. it is sooooo annoying. i mean, tantrums, i can handle. i just ignore them, or i shout, "oh look! something shiny!" and she's immediately over it and interested in the shiny thing. but the whining and bawling over nothing?!?! it is driving me batshit.

i hate to suffer alone, so here's a typical exchange:

mag: water?
mom: you want a drink of water? okay, let's go in the kitchen and-
mag: WAAAAAAAAHHHHTER!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHH (accompanied by much shrill shreiking and wailing)

and five seconds later:

mag: color?
mom: you want to color? okay, let's go get-
mag: COOOOOOOOLLLLLOOOORRRRR!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHH (accompanied by more shrill shreiking and wailing)

last night when i was trying to put her to bed she did this little routine every single time i tried to sing ANYTHING other than "e-i-e-i-o". now i'm not saying she cried whenever i sang anything other than the song "Old McDonald" ... she cried when i sang any single word other than the "e-i-e-i-o" part. it was so pitiful. at some point i just started laughing uncontrollably. i felt really bad, but i couldn't stop myself.

i think it was either laugh hysterically or have myself committed.


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