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29 September 2004
"first thing i remember knowing was a lonesome whistle blowing"
alright i really don't have much to say, but i was feeling kind of bitchy leaving that last entry up too long. so i'll blather a few things.

um, yeah so my kid is officially in the stage where she repeats eeeeeverything i say. it's like having your younger brother, stuck at about 7 years of age, hanging around you 24/7. but some really humorous things have come from it. for example, she walks around all day saying "kick bootie" and winging her little chicken leg out in front of her for no reason. kinda looks like elaine dancing. and i can get her to kick her dad on occasion when he's not looking. man, that pisses him off.

and if you ask her what she wants for dinner, she says "food." smart ass. if you ask her what kind of food ... she says "nemo." what can i say, she likes fish.

her amazingly sunny outlook on life has changed some things in my own mind as well. trains, for example. nobody likes getting stuck at the train crossing. you're in a hurry, you got places to go, it's hot, damn train! move it! but mags is in the back seat going "ooooooh woooowwwww! train! choooooo-chooooo!!!!" ... and suddenly i see the entire situation differently.


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