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20 April 2005
party at my place thursday
the hub is on his way to the geek-fest of all time today. he's trying to contain his excitement, but he doesn't fool me. say what you want about the new movies, but try to think back to the way you felt when you walked out of the theater after A New Hope ... and don't lie, you know you were making the light saber noise and running around with a towel on your neck like darth's cape. and while my dear hub wasn't even born then *COUGH* what? he was easily infected by that same excitement even tho his first intro to the once-trilogy wasn't on the big screen. i mean, you may think you're a "fan" of something ... but until you meet him, you might wanna hold off on making that determination. the man owns everything star wars. i mean everything. dude, he has star wars tattoos for cripes sakes. and just think, this will, allegedly (let's not underestimate lucas's money grubbing), be the last star wars convention, oh sorry, "star wars con" ever. ever. so. it's a pretty big deal. so all in all i think he's handling his attendance with admirable calm. perhaps cause he doesn't yet know about this. that would push him smooth over the edge, i'm afraid. but anyway, this is all really about me you know, so enough about him. the point is, the man will be gone, the gparents are picking up the wild child for one night ... and that will give me approximately 24 glorious hours all to myself. i shall spend it wisely, no worries. i feel like i'm in high school and my mom's out of town or something. like i should have a big party where we drink smirnoff ice and pretend to be wasted while we watch movies like prom night and prank call boys. hmm, maybe not. when i was in high school we woulda been drinking wine coolers anyway. god i'm getting old. maybe instead i'll just go get a pizza and some botox.

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