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Cost of the War in Iraq
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18 September 2002 9:11 a.m.
we'll see if mattobt reads this
we'll see if mattbot reads this

so if you haven't seen amelie, then, well, i just don't know what to say to you. i love every single person in that movie. and luckily the movie is pretty damned good, too. we rented it on saturday and i have watched it three times. yay for an excuse to be lazy. (admittedly, i slept through various parts of it on the re-watchings, but still.) anyhoo, the guy in the movie, nino? you know, the photo album guy? yeah, he reminds me sooo much of my friend mattbot. except that he is perhaps not quite as shy as monsieur mattbot. anyway, it was wonderful! see it! now! and then after that go see my big fat greek wedding. go! away with you!


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