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23 July 2002 2:14 p.m.

my current favorite song (i.e. the song i am currently listening to obsessively over and over and over) is called bartender. huh. imagine that.

i've also found that the taste of anything lime just makes me miss tequila. i do not, however, miss any of the following (often directly associated with tequila consumption):

-talking too loudly to strangers (esp. when i think i'm being really funny)
-rooms that spin (esp. when one is trying to sleep/pass out)
-vomiting (esp. on others or their possessions)
-'morning after' mouth (esp. when vomiting (see previous) is involved)
-and of course, vomiting. i know i already mentioned it, but when it comes to me, i think it's worth mentioning twice.

anyhoo, fave line from current fave obsession song:

"bartender, you see the wine that's drinking me came from the vine that strung judas from the devil's, it's roots deep deep in the ground"

and i'm not telling who it is, cause you'll make fun of me. well, squeeky won't, but she rocks.


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