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Cost of the War in Iraq
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09 May 2003
i wonder where all the porn stars go, cause when you need one they are never around
think i'll get any google hits for this mutha?

so florida. yeah. it was good fun. we took it pretty easy and mostly spent time with jerm's sister and her 13-month old boy. we went to the beaches and ate sand. well, i didn't, but magnolia did. and really, if you're going to eat sand, florida is a good place for it.

niki, a lifelong friend got married out there, which was the main even around which the trip was planned. it also leads me to try and explain something that i've spent my whole life trying to explain. i am part of a very unique group of women who have been friends our entire lives. there are eight of us. that's right, eight. some of us have been together since before kindergarten. and we've managed to stay friends as this large amorphous geographically separated group all these years. it's pretty crazy. all the other girls went stag to florida and stayed together in a big house on the beach. and when i say on the beach, i mean on the beach. as in wake up, grab a cup of coffee, stagger fifty yards to the shore. it was awesome. and of course, the whole time we kept calling it the MTV beach house. cause really, what else are you gonna call it?

so the wedding. right. the bride and groom really had the right idea about this whole wedding thing. they literally laid on the beach all day, went in and took a shower, came back out to the beach and got married. it was so cool! niki looked really beautiful thanks to her team of hairstylists, headed up by dani. she had lovely yellow and white daisies in her hair, a long flowing gown, and naked toes. actually we all had naked toes. it was wonderful.

the whole trip was really great with just a few exceptions.

1) the time magnolia vomited on me, on crystal's bed, bedside table, carpet (i'm not talking baby-spit-up here, people, i'm talking vomit)

2) the site of about forty-seven thousand rebel flags (this part of florida is apparently known as the redneck riviera.)

3) everyone at the wedding getting SARS (SARS as in Sore-Ass Raw-throat Syndrome)

4) the kid on the plane ogling me while i breastfed my baby. and actually, this turned from a low-light into a high-light bc of the humor factor. err something. anyway, so this kid was around four years old. goofy looking kid. he just stared at people the entire time with this vacant look on his face and his mouth hanging open. i mean, to be fair, he's a kid and they do that, but it was still annoying. so he's staring at me while i'm nursing the baby, which was irritating. but then i look at him a little later and he is drinking out of a bottle. a baby bottle. let me remind you that he is four years old. so that's bad, right? then he starts picking his nose. even worse. ack! THEN he steps it up yet another notch by no, not eating the booger, which would have been good. no, this child HANDS THE BOOGER TO HIS MOTHER.

who takes it from him.

i'm crapping you negative.

and the story does not end there.

because the kid does it again.

two more times.

and his mom TAKES THE BOOGERS each and every time.


i am going to ask this question just once more in this diary ...

what the hell is wrong with people?!


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