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Cost of the War in Iraq
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02 August 2002 8:07 a.m.
i am trying to break your heart
i am trying to break your heart

so you like wilco? yeah, me too. have you heard there is a documentary coming out about the making of yankee hotel fox trot? yep. s'true. and don't get me wrong, i'm excited about this. it will be good exposure for the scene (or, as shabbydee calls it, 'y'alternative') (even tho wilco doesn't fit into that anymore). however, i'm listening to a story about it on npr this morning and the reporter makes a comment about jeff tweedy having 'an intensity and the rugged good looks that play well on camera.'

i'm sorry?

good looks? jeff tweedy?

i'll give you the intensity, hell yeah. that dude is freaky! but i'm not sure about the good looks part. i mean, he's a helluva musician, and who cares what he looks like? but fer real, he looks a little like frankenstein. (that's him in the front there.)

also, they had to have as their official home page, cause is some leak detection system. as in, "thanks, Oops I Crapped My Pants!"


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