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18 December 2001 1:17 p.m.
jazz hands forever
jazz hands forever

i stole my title from something andre' said, but it refers to a story i shoulda told a long time ago . (it's not the one i said i was going to tell, squeeky, but i'll put that one up tomorrow, promise.)

anyhow, not long ago skanzo and i went to my company christmas party. we were by far the youngest people in the room. and by "by far" i mean "by like thirty years." anyway, they band played a few swing songs so we tried to dance, but it was very difficult with all these oldsters making us look bad! that is seriously the biggest short fall of our generation; we can't dance for shit. (a condition soon to be remedied based on a pact made and sworn on the 15th of december, in the year of our lord, 2001, btwn me, skanzo, whutty and tlmtrn. no going back now, guys. we have a pact!!)

regardless, one couple was doing the whole 'cat and mouse' routine; like he'd dance backward away from her doing the 'you come here to me' motion with his hands and she would dance forward towards him and shake her head like 'no, no, no.' she even went so far as to do the little 'you're naughty' motion with her fingers. i'm pretty sure he was going to get spankin' when they got home! hoooorrrrrrk. i was about to wet the floor i was laughing so hard. the ultimate, however, was this lady, about sixty or so, who was seriously getting down. she was rocking out way too much and doing way too much jazz hands. (i'm not sure there's such a thing as just the right amount of jazz hands?) just saying 'jazz hands' makes me giggle like 'drunk girl'. (Drunk Girl: I hate you, Jimmy Fallon! I hate you, I love you, I hate you, I love you, I hate you! I.. do.. hate.. you! your hair does look pretty rad, though! Hahahaha!! Give me a kiss! Get away from me! I'm smart, okay! I took Spanish! Como et te lama! That means "Hi!")

i'm not sure where i'm going with that. well ... some readers who have never seen me in real life have been asking if i look like this goth chick over here to the left.

yes, exactly. blue eyeshadow and everything.

i am cruella deville's younger, hotter sister.

i hate you, i love you, i hate you, i love you.

your hair does look pretty rad, though


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