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29 January 2003 8:02 a.m.
still in fourth grade
remember how, in the fourth grade, your friend would tell you, 'okay, you canNOT tell ANYbody this, because niki told me not to tell.' and you were like, 'oh, okay, i won't' and then five minutes later you went and told jocelyn, 'okay, you canNOT tell ANYbody this ...' yeah, well, you did shit like that cause you were in the fourth grade. you were childish. and when you grew older, you put away childish things. not so where i work. now don't get me wrong, overall this is the best job i've ever had. i really like it here. ... however, sometimes certain people i work with too often revert back to their fourth grade days and it gets extreeeeemely annoying. and i try to just nod and smile and not get overly irritated. i try to just politely decline involvement in these shenanigans ... but yesterday ... yesterday it went so far as one co-worker asking me to play juveline spy games with another co-worker. 'look, just go by his office and see if he says anything to you about it.' *SIGH* and people wonder why i drink so much bourbon. oh wait, did i say that out loud? oh yeah, i guess i did. but in the way my life always seems to balance itself out, i got an unexpected promotion on the very same day. yay for me. :)

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