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Cost of the War in Iraq
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03 April 2002 2:23 p.m.
funk factory
funk factory

i am locked away in my office, hiding out. no, it's not because i just discovered this little hair growing out of my thumb. it's because this place STINKS. i'm talking grade-a, world-class, pungent STANK AROMA. bigD tells me that for lunch they made a little something in the cafeteria called a "garlic salad." garlic salad? dude, i like garlic as much as the next nose, but burnt, deep fried, crusty garlic stench hanging around the halls? settling into the carpet and the wallpaper? creeping under the crack in the door? ACK! BLARG! when i went home for lunch i brought back some potpourri, some candles, and some mints. i have them all kind of laying on my chest within sniffing distance.

i can still smell the garlic.


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