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Cost of the War in Iraq
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09 May 2002 3:45 p.m.

oh i am so so bad at updating you, diaryland. i apologize. it's just that the bastards have got me down. at work, that is, when i would normally be doing my updating and my reading-of-other-people's-diaries. which i have also done very very little of lately. i feel like i'm out of touch with all of you. your lives are going along and i am left behind. there is hope, however!! soon, very soon, our classes will start. we will have classes pretty much back to back every week through the whole summer. that is going to get old reeaaaalllllll fast. therefore, i will probably once again rely heavily on diaryland to entertain me.

other than work, i haven't done much but lay on the couch and stare at tv. i feel as though i'm starting to regain a tiny bit of energy, so maybe someday soon i will get off my ass. i'm not going to hold my breath or anything though, that's for sure. besides, i'm practicing up for this summer when it's blazing effing hot outside and i'm as big as a house and will refuse to go outside for any reason whatsoever. actually, i'm going to try and spend my summer at the pool here at work. jerm is lobbying to get me into a bikini. after all, it's the one time in my life i won't really care if i'm fat. if anyone asks me if i'm pregnant, i'm going to say, 'nope, beer gut.'

i have learned something interesting lately. when jeremy and i tell people that we're pregnant, they have very different responses, usually based on their gender. when we tell women, they generally go, 'oh that's wonderful' and hug me. when we tell guys, they typically go, way to go, man' and high-five jeremy. i'm crapping you negative. i mean, come on people. seriously. what does this mean? it's like guys are saying, 'hey dude, you scored' or something. 'your boys can really swim.' high-five? seeeeriously.


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