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Cost of the War in Iraq
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06 February 2003 9:47 a.m.
right boob wins, KO!
warning: this entry is going to embarrass my more tender readers, but what's new.

now this may come as a big surprise to those of you who don't have breasts, i.e. men, but expressing milk from your own is quite boring. i typically read my diaryland buddy list entries during this time, but if no one's updated in awhile, i'm left all alone. just me and my milky boobs. so my mind starts wandering and i start making things up. like that they are racing. the boobs, i mean. to see who can make more baby food. and let me just tell you something people, my right breast has risen up and smote the left with its powerful might. or it's mighty power. with the anger of its fiery anger. i know it's an inappropriate thing to write about, but seriously, is it any worse than fu and his butt lettuce?


also, do you know what true love is? i do. true, complete, total love is trying to make your baby happy while you change a big old nasty poopy diaper and it's pissing the baby off major so you make up a catchy little song about diapers and pooping in general and she thinks it's totally hilarious and giggles at you the whole time. you're a damn good dad, jerm.

also, it's snowing big fat gorgeous lovely flakes out there. thanks for listening, mother nature.


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