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06 March 2003
less tv, more conversation
oh diaryland, i really don't have anything to say. other than to tell you that i am craving warmth. i keep the thermostat in my office cranked up to like 80 degrees and then pretend that the flourescent lights are actually the sun streaming into my little office world. it does not work. not at all.

oh and also i am once again on a crusade to watch less tv. i was doing really well before i got really big and pregnant. then i just did nothing but sit on the couch and stare into the black hole of prime time tv. i read a lot, but my mind was jusr running so wild, with all the worries and unanswered questions about the baby, that it was difficult to concentrate. hence the development of my tv addiction. and magnolia is now getting to the point where she can do more than just lay there and stare at me, so i'm committed to entertaining her in more meaningful ways than 24 hours of Playhouse Disney. it will be much easier once it gets warmer and the sun stays around past 5pm. then we can actually go outside once in awhile rather than just sitting in the living room floor. i do reserve the right, however, to watch complete trash when i do turn the tv on. this trash will include, but is not limited to, seinfeld and three version of law and order. trash, i tell you. but when i'm not watching trash or playing with the babe, i will be reading. shabbydee has put several books on my must read list, and i'm on the way to borders tonight to pick up a couple of them. he can always be trusted for great reads. he led me to diamond age, for example, which you must read if you haven't. i am also going to talk on the phone more. and speaking of shabbydee, i am going to call you tonight. i had planned to do it last night, but i went to bed at 815. crikey. anyway, i don't usually enjoy the phone conversations, but when your friends live so freaking far away, you learn the value of the phone.

oh and also, congrats to k and j and their new son, sammy. that's a damn fine name. i can't wait to meet him! :)


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