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Cost of the War in Iraq
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30 January 2002 10:46 a.m.
midget donkeys
midget donkeys

once again, no real entry. my brain is on hold lately for some reason? no witticisms, no analogies, no cleverness. just plain old me.

so what can i tell you? it's raining like shite outside and s'posed to start sleeting like eff later. and lucky me, i'm not "essential personnel" this week cause there are no classes in session. know what that means? potential snowday for dots. whoop-whoop. just me and daytime tv, yeah baby. that's the way i like it.

so i heard They won't allow the new austin powers to be called goldmember cause They have some sort of rights to the name goldfinger and it's unlicensed parody. or some shit. i thought all parody was unlicensed? isn't that weird al's bread and butter?

what else? i'm in the midst of working on squeeky's bachelorette party. haha! don't worry, diaryland, you are sure to get the whole scoop the morning after. actually, she thinks it's going to be some big wild freak-fest, but i have different plans. i plan on getting her completely and totally plastered in hour one, then the next day i will make up a million lies about all the wild and crazy things we did the night before. i will take her head and photoshop it (i love using photoshop as a verb) into compromising positions with midgets, donkeys, midget-donkeys, whathaveyou. this way is much cheaper. and less messy. i mean, really, no one is going to volunteer to clean up after all those midget-donkeys, now are they?


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