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30 September 2003
Miss Communication
the man mumbles. a lot. granted, i'm going deaf in my old age, but every third sentence or so out of his mouth i have to ask him to repeat and it gets on both of our nerves. last night, as per usual, he mumbles, i say, "i can't understand you, mumbley mumblerson!" and he says, "i know, i'm not speaking with very much affliction."

"affliction? like a disease?"



but this reminded me of one of my best moments teaching 7th grade. (now, i am one of those strange people who really loved teaching 7th graders, so i have a lot of good moments.) i was perturbed at my class bc they were all being lazy and thick and were not interested in anything. i got all exasperated and said, "i am disappointed in you all! you are so apathetic!!"

silent pause

"do you even know what the word 'apathetic' means?!"

and from the back of the room comes the languid response, "who cares?"

i was so proud.


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