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04 March 2002 11:35 a.m.
ohmygod my mother was right
ohmygod my mother was right

there is a woman in my class who happens to sit very near my desk ... she smacks her gum sooo friggin loud that i literally cannot concentrate. it is a horrible horrible wet, squelching, sucking sound, and i hate it. this is another one of those illuminating moments when i realize that my mother was right all those times she told me not to smack my friggin gum.

p.s. she was also right about all that "stand-up straight", "keep your room clean" crap, too. p.p.s. read jcadillac when you get a chance. mysteryplane's soul brother. sort of like, "if you like mysterplane, you'll LUVVV jcadillac" or something.


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