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21 August 2003
no more corn, please
yeah, yeah, i know. i'm a lazy shit. but i'm here now, okay?!

life has been sooo much grander now that the jerm is working from home. he's getting a ton of design work done, and the mag and i get to see his face whenever we want. besides, whether he admits it or not, he needs me. i give him tons of ideas on his artwork. dammit.

so any of you out there who are thinking of becoming parents ... you probably have heard all the cautions about how demanding it is, and how it changes your whole life and how you have to be responsible for another living human being and all that ... but what no one tells you, the big hairy terrifying frightening secret of parenthood ... is that as you're trying to drift off to sleep you find yourself quietly singing "A - alligators all around, B - bursting balloons, C - catching colds" and you curse carole king and her catchy music!

we got some hilarious video of the magnolia monster yesterday doing her new trick. she's so ready to walk, but her little legs just won't balance on their own yet. so to assist her in accomplishing this daunting task, she employs the use of a highly enginereered specialized new baby device: the laundry basket. she starts at one end of the house, pulls herself up on the basket and pushes it ... all the way down the hall into her bedroom until she bumps into the wall. then she tugs and twists and wiggles it until she gets it turned around ... and goes back down the hall to our room until she bumps into the wall at that end of the house.

she's a special child.

yeah, so fu already told ya about our corn conversation. i feel i must explain my side of the story so i don't sound like a skank. i prefaced my comment to him with, "so jeremy and i aren't really the sort of people who ... talk about poop ..." and it's true. we're just not like that. not like we're better or anything, we're just sort of ... well bathroom shy, i guess. ANYway, that is a shocking case of TMI, i'm sure, but you need to know that to understand how funny it was when out of the clear blue sky jeremy walks into the room and says ...

"i don't think i'm going to eat corn anymore."


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