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Cost of the War in Iraq
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28 July 2003
nothing of import
oh damn, diaryland, i am so fucking far behind the times! sorry, but i just got out of the dland habit. i don't know what it is. yeah, i been busy, but that's never stopped me before. i mean, i used to be dedicated. devoted. determined. lately, i'm just ... not. hope you forgive me. there has been excitement in the dottionline household, but mostly of the positive sort. i did have to have some doctoral care and that went well. i'll hear results of tests in the next week or two, but it looks good. so that's good. and shit. and uhm, i don't know if you read this site anymore, but was that you? did i see you wave at me out of a red car at penn and 23rd? and the fuckers on psycho conservative a.m. talk radio keep talking about the "liberal media." WHAT liberal media?! where?! tell me so i can listen to it!!! eGAD! man, i've run out of steam already. alrighty, talk to ya'll later.

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