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09 July 2002 8:41 a.m.
too old for real world
too old for real world

so i was talking to jules yesterday, and we were talking about how we were sort of getting old before out time. you know, aches and pains, hangovers, that sort of thing.

and while i really don't mind growing older, as i feel i have gained a lot of wisdom and strength of character, etc, etc, blah, blah ... it is sort of freaky to realize that you can't be on real world or road rules. not by a LOOooooong shot. i mean, you have to be under 24 or some shit to be on that shit! come on, man! as jule said, you could go on there and be the 'together bitch!' it would be priceless!! all these stupid-ass kids would be running around crying about dumb crap and getting in their petty fights, and you could waltz in with your crow's feet and your cellulite and set their shit straight, dammit!!

now there's a show i would watch. a bunch of jaded cranky 30 year-olds, living in a house together, talking about paying off their student loans and eating enough fiber.

p.s. just heard a good word for shows like real world: Irritainment: "Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them."


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