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04 January 2002 9:44 a.m.
like something straight out of Alien
like something straight out of Alien

well, this might be it for dottionline. i might be dying. in the past two days i have been more sick than i have ever ever been in my life. i won't go into too many gruesome details, but suffice it to say that i have an intimate knowledge of the porcelain in the bathroom. this is because i have not been able to leave that room for more than about twenty minutes at a time. you know the kind of sick where you are actually crying while vomiting? and every single muscle in your whole body is aching from the exertion? the best guess anyone can come up with? food poisoning. and i believe it. something obviously poisonous has invaded my body and ravaged it. i mean i was actually frightened at some points, wondering if i was just going to dehydrate past the point of no return. because a drink of water would cause me to double over in pain. nice, huh. i am slightly better today as i am successfully keeping 1/2 cup of orange jello in my system. for now anyway. but now i have a nose bleed. wtf?!?! is there doctor in the house?


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