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Cost of the War in Iraq
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12 August 2003
toys-r-us can bite the wax tadpole
ever notice how power-hungry some people are? i mean, they're gagging for it, even if it's just a teeny tiny little insignificant shitty bit of power. then they get their little weak-ass title or fancy hat or set of keys and they immediately start abusing it? you know these people? need an example?

let's say, oh, well, gee, i don't know, hmm, how about the managers of toys-r-us? yeah, let's take them.

i have news for you guys, in the great scheme of power structures you are inconsequential.

therefore, it really just makes us laugh when you pull your silly little stunts. for example, when jerm asks you if he can take lunch at 12:00, and you frown and say, "let's make it 12:15".

uh, okay. BAM! you sure smoked him! OW! or snap or something like that. whatever.

anyway, my anger has sadly ebbed a little since i didn't finish this entry yesterday when i started it. *sigh* oh well, that's probably a good thing. let's just leave it at this, i'm terribly glad he doesn't have to work there any more and put up with their petty shit. and i gots myself a stay-at-home daddy!


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